Taka Nyahunzvi

Taka Nyahunzvi is an ICT Governance & Operations professional.  His experience is in Corporate ICT Operations support and projects.  Mr. Nyahunzvi worked with Standard Chartered Bank, Fintech International, and FMBCapital Group before setting out as an independent consultant.

Mr. Nyahunzvi ‘s ICT experience is in Systems Testing, Systems Migration, Systems Implementation, Operational Support, Internal & Regulatory Compliance, Audit, Budgeting, Vendor Management, and Systems Security.  He is a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) with specialization in Software Asset Management (SAM).  He is also certified in the Governance of Enterprise Information Technology (CGEIT) and is a Board Member of the Belgium–headquartered International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) with a Certified Tester Certificate.


Some notable projects he has managed include:

  • Integration of First Capital Bank Botswana’s system to the FMBCapital Group’s Security Operations Center (SOC)
  • Migration from an in-premise Microsoft Exchange to a Cloud-based Office 365 for First Capital Bank Botswana
  • A Business Process Re-engineering stemming from the formation of First Capital Group where the technical infrastructure of the bank’s entities in Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe were consolidated and modernized under the Group’s Office in Mauritius with Mr. Nyahunzvi overseeing the Business Processing Re-engineering aspects of the project in Botswana
  • Migration from physical 9Windows Server 2003) to virtual (Windows Server 2012 & 2016 in a VMWare environment) at Capital Bank Botswana for the active directory , messaging and surround systems
  • Migration of the core banking systems from Flexcube v7.3 to Finacle v10.2 at Capital Bank in Zambia, Botswana ad Malawi